Non Owner SR22 FR44

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Non Owner SR22 FR44

Everything you need to know about non-owner SR22 and non-owner FR44 insurance.

People buy non owner SR22 FR44 insurance for many reasons, mainly to reinstate a suspended driver’s license. Sometimes, the state requires a person to file a financial responsibility certificate to satisfy a court order or other legal requirement. Non owner certificates help you reinstate your license by providing proof of financial responsibility. Nonowner insurance is secondary liability insurance that covers only you when you drive a borrowed vehicle. Florida and Virginia require FR44 filings specifically after DUI/DWI suspensions and SR22 filings for all other traffic-related suspensions.

When licensed drivers don’t own a car, violations they commit while driving a borrowed car can result in license suspension. When this happens, they must obtain non owner SR22 FR44 insurance to reinstate their driving privileges. As a condition for license reinstatement, states require non-vehicle owners to get a non-owner insurance policy with an SR22 or FR44 certificate attached. They file the certificate with the state DMV as the final step to restore their driving privileges.

Limitations and restrictions

There are coverage limitations and vehicle restrictions on policies for non-owning drivers. Non-owner insurance provides liability-only coverage for one person – you, the policyholder. Coverage is for driving a non-owned vehicle on an occasional basis. Non-owner insurance policies do not cover the following:

  • Operating household vehicles to which you have regular access.
  • Driving rental, commercial, or employment-related vehicles.
  • Insurance providers do not sell non-owner insurance as cheaper, alternative coverage for teen drivers in a household.

Non Owner SR22 Insurance

Non Owner SR22

Most states require an SR22 non owner insurance certificate for license reinstatement by people who don’t own a vehicle. In addition, the SR22 certificate is for non-alcohol and alcohol or drug-related offenses. UltraCar Insurance offers non owner SR22 insurance in 34 states:

Non Owner FR44 Insurance

Non Owner FR44

When you don’t own a car or other vehicle in Florida and Virginia, you’ll need SR22 insurance to reinstate your license after a non-alcohol and drug-related suspension. However, for alcohol or drug-related license reinstatement, you’ll require DUI insurance without a car (FR44 non owner insurance).

Non-Owner’s Insurance Without An SR22 or FR44 Filing

You can buy a non-owner insurance policy without an SR22 or FR44 filing. Sometimes, people who don’t own a vehicle buy non-owners insurance to avoid out-of-pocket expenses if they cause an accident. If you’re at fault in an accident while driving a borrowed car, it’s wise to have liability insurance coverage. Non-owner insurance coverage is not a substitute for a vehicle owner’s insurance; it supplements the insurance on the vehicle if needed. Carrying non-owner insurance also provides evidence of continuous coverage, showing the person is financially responsible.

In North Carolina, the state requires drivers to purchase North Carolina non owner insurance to obtain a new driver’s license.

More About Auto Insurance for Non-Owners

The articles below outline additional information related to this topic:

UltraCar Insurance specializes in high-risk insurance policies and certificate filings. Our agents are licensed in 34 states and know each state’s insurance requirements. Click to start a low-cost non owner SR22 FR44 insurance quote, or call us today!

This article was last updated on February 20th, 2024 by