North Dakota DUI laws and penalties reflect the grave consequences that result from driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It can be quite easy to be pulled over for suspicion of drunk or impaired driving. Law enforcement officers look for such driving behaviors as variation in speed, drifting into other lanes of traffic, unusual braking, not signaling a turn and driving without lights on at night. If convicted of a DUI offense, you can face both administrative and criminal penalties.
If your license is suspended after a drunk driving or impaired driving conviction, you’ll have to file a financial responsibility form known as North Dakota SR22 insurance to get a temporary restricted license (TRL). UltraCar Insurance specializes in providing SR22 insurance to reinstate your license.
North Dakota DUI Laws
BAC Level: You can be charged with DUI if you test at 0.08% or more, or 0.04% or more if you’re operating a commercial vehicle.
Zero Tolerance: Persons under age 21 caught operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of 0.02% or above will have their license suspended for 91 days. A second offense within five years results in a 2-year suspension of driving privileges.
Distracted Driving: The NDDOT website has detailed information about distracted driving laws and penalties.
Implied Consent: North Dakota DUI laws require anyone with a driver’s license to consent to a DUI test. If you’re stopped for suspicion of DUI and refuse to test, your license can be revoked for 1 year. You’ll also be ineligible for a restricted license. Longer revocations are imposed if you refuse to test a second or third time within 7 years of the first refusal.
Ignition Interlock: In extreme cases an ignition interlock device may be ordered by the court if you’re allowed a temporary restricted license.
North Dakota DUI Penalties
All DUI offenders are required to undergo an Addiction Evaluation. In addition to the penalties listed below, there are additional DUI charges and penalties for:
- Having a minor in the car
- Refusal to test
- Criminal vehicular injury
- Criminal vehicular homicide
First DUI Offense: A first DUI or DWI offense is a Class B misdemeanor. Depending on the charge and your blood alcohol concentration (BAC), you’ll be fined, jailed for two days, and your license suspended for 91 to 180 days.
Second or Third Offense: A second North Dakota DUI offense within 7 years of the first conviction is considered a Class B misdemeanor. A third offense within 7 years of the first is a Class A misdemeanor. Depending on the seriousness of the incident penalties may include:
- Higher fines
- Longer jail times
- One- to two-year participation in the state’s 24/7 sobriety program
- Lengthier license suspensions
Fourth or Subsequent Offenses: If occurring within 15 years of the first offense, it is a Class C felony. Penalties are:
- At least one year in prison and a $2,000 fine
- Mandatory participation in the state’s 24/7 sobriety program
- Two years probation
- Possible license revocation
North Dakota DOT
Additional details regarding penalties for drinking and driving are available on the North Dakota Department of Transportation NDDOT website.
Information related to North Dakota DUI and SR22 insurance can be found in these articles on our website:
North Dakota Non Owner SR22 Insurance
SR22 DUI Insurance
Distracted Driving and SR22 Insurance
What is SR22 Insurance?
Can you buy SR22 without a vehicle?
Non Owner SR22
Non Owner SR22 vs SR22 Insurance
A DUI conviction and license suspension are stressful events. UltraCar Insurance agents provide quick North Dakota SR22 quotes and fast filing of your certificate. Call us if you have questions, or click to start a North Dakota DUI insurance quote now.
This article was last updated on August 13th, 2019 by UltraCar Insurance