Broad Form Archives

This is the Broad Form Archives for UltraCar Insurance. Your source for SR22 & FR44 Insurance.

An auto insurance agent talking with a client about Broad Form SR22 Insurance.

What is Broad Form SR22 insurance?

In several states, you can get an inexpensive form of auto insurance called Broad Form insurance. Broad Form SR22 insurance is a means to have your license reinstated. You can buy it if you own one or more vehicles or if you don’t own a car. Although it is very low-cost, it comes with strict coverage limitations that you should fully understand before you buy it.

In some states, Broad Form SR22 insurance is a low-cost, non-owner auto insurance option for license reinstatement. In most cases, people file a non-owner SR22 insurance certificate if they don’t own a car and an SR22 insurance certificate if they do. This type of policy is also an option if you want to insure multiple vehicles.