What is SR-22 Insurance?
SR-22 is not an insurance policy; it’s a high-risk auto insurance certificate that drivers attach to their auto insurance policy to reinstate their suspended driver’s license. It’s also called an AAMVA Uniform Financial Responsibility Form. Filing the certificate proves you have the adequate auto liability coverage the state requires.
Unlike regular auto insurance, SR-22 insurance is for individuals convicted of driving violations, such as DUIs, reckless driving, or driving without insurance, leading to a license suspension. Other issues may also require an SR-22 filing, even if you have a clean driving record. Forgetting to attend court, pay a fine, or meet child support obligations are other reasons people must obtain high-risk insurance.
To submit an SR-22 filing, you must contact your insurance provider to have them file the form with the state. Once the state approves the filing, it restores your driving privileges, and you can legally drive again. You will carry this insurance for a specific time, usually about three years.
SR-22 insurance can significantly impact your insurance premiums since it’s for drivers that insurance companies consider high-risk. Therefore, you may pay more for coverage than you would with a standard policy. Despite this, it’s crucial to comply with SR-22 insurance requirements to avoid further legal trouble.
SR-22 insurance is available in two forms. Owner-operator policies are for those who drive a vehicle they own. A non-owner insurance policy is for people who don’t own a car but occasionally borrow one to drive.
Are you unsure whether you need SR-22 insurance or how to obtain it? UltraCar Insurance provides expert guidance and support throughout the process.